My Homemade Avocado Virgin Oil


(Veuillez trouver la version française plus bas)


You’ll need:

– Ripe avocados
– A large plate
– A light and transparent scarf
– A clean glass to collect the oil


– Get a few ripe avocados (the more they are ripe, the more oil they will yield).
– Cut the avocados and remove the flesh to make a paste and lightly spread on a clean plate.
– Put the plate in the sun and keep an eye on it. When the surface changes color, mix it up and spread again (see photo). Continue until the avocado is completely dry and blackish. Be careful not to overdry it.
– Put a manageable amount of the avocado in the scarf and press until satisfactory extraction of the oil. Repeat the process with the remaining portion.

Bon appetit to your hair! 🤗


Recette d’huile vierge d’avocat

Il vous faudra:

– Des avocats murs
– Un plateau
– Un foulard leger et transparent
– Un verre propre pour recueillir l’huile


– Prenez quelques avocats murs (plus ils sont murs, plus ils produiront de l’huile).
– Decoupez les avocats et prélevez la pulpe pour en faire une pâte et étalez en film leger dans un plateau propre
– Deposez le plateau contenant l’avocat au soleil et surveillez de temps en temps. Quand la surface change de couleur, remuez et reétalez (voir images). Continuez jusqu’à ce que l’avocat devienne complètement sec et noirâtre. Attention à ne pas trop secher.
– Mettez une quantité gérable de l’avocat dans le foulard et pressez jusqu’à extraction satisfaisante de l’huile. Répetez avec la portion restante.

Bon appétit à vos cheveux! 🤗

Correspondence 1



“There is nothing more beautiful than natural hair. The proof: I don’t know you and you don’t know me either but we are communicating because of our natural hair”.

NINA, from Ivory Coast. ❤


“Il n’y a rien de plus beau que les cheveux naturels. La preuve: je ne vous connais pas et vous non plus vous ne me connaissez mais nous communiquons à cause des cheveux naturels”.

NINA, depuis la Côte d’Ivoire.


Lord of ego

images (2)

Lord of ego, lord of pride
Long awaited with a bride
While the throne redressed for his kingdom
He stood behind walls of home sweet home
The cheering crowd nourrishing his faux pas
Teasing his ego beyond his fabricated stamina
Flirting away his faults, raising him to perfection
Above mountains of beautiful deceptions
Lifting him to the illusion of eternal breath
Hailed him, as he danced his way to death.

Yadeï – 2015

The story

Wedding rings

~The story~

From two worlds of opposite poles

Were destined to each other two souls

Awakened by some matching strike of energy

Our journey began as written over a century


We were to survive the following tasks

In a world full of people wearing masks

Enduring the threats of hostile eyes

And traversing storms large as the sky

Mapping through unfriendly crowds with a burden

Of moments as if the last breath was already taken.

We wept, we screamed, as bits of faith departed

Our hearts weakened, yet gracefully enchanted

Were kept alive by the signals of a distant flame

The love that knew to defy time with no shame

Destiny remained unchanged

For we were long promised


After the vicious journey

Fate was reached in clarity

Your familiar face rushed in and out of my dream

As reality revealed you at the echo of my final scream

The force that pierced our bodies

Universally projected our images

Two silhouettes prepared for unity

Merged, creating the perfect love for eternity

Laugh, live, love and laugh some more

I find this sketch mighty hilarious, so I am sharing it with you. Once a while, I post just about anything that lifts my spirit. I have read a lot of negative comments regarding the script as many said that we (Christians) shouldn’t make our prophet’s story into a joke. Nonetheless, I appreciate the message circulated through this video and I learned a valuable lesson. I hope it tickles your sense of humor as much as it did to mine. Laugh, live, love, & laugh some more…and be careful what you wish for! God bless ❤